Why ’12amCRY’?

On 7th September 2012, a supernatural encounter with God heightened my awareness of the times we are living in. On this particular Friday night, after a church prayer meeting, I came home to spend another hour in prayer and reading Scripture. During this time the hands of the clock on my living room wall started turning much faster than normal eventually stopping at 11 o’clock. The phrase ‘the eleventh hour’ popped into my mind.

At that very moment I had been reading the Scriptures intended for that specific day in my daily Bible notes. Both the words from Revelation Chapter 12 and the commentary spoke of needing to be prepared for the ‘end times’. Furthermore, there had been worship songs playing on the television via youtube but then it suddenly froze on a picture of Jesus speaking words of encouragement.

When it started playing again the final words of Jesus from Matthew 28 v 20 were emblazoned on the screen…‘and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’ Then the clock hands started moving again and returned to the normal time. You can read more about this encounter here…


So why ‘Midnight Cry’ and not ‘Eleventh Hour’ Encounter?

On 28th September 2013, there was a very similar supernatural encounter that my wife and I both experienced whilst leading a session at ‘Singing Rooms’ in Plymouth. It was 1am and this next session of Singing Rooms was just kicking off 16 hours of continuous praise and worship when it happened again – the hands on the analogue clock on the wall starting moving round quicker than normal. Read more about this encounter here…

This has contributed to my wife and I having an increased awareness of the times we are living in. We have been seeking God for increasing clarity about the meaning of these eleventh hour and midnight hour incidences. One practical response has been to team up with a much more experienced couple, Bryan and Jenny Pullinger, to facilitate times of prayer and intercession for our city, the UK and the nations…a gathering entitled Pray UK.

In due time we hope to encourage informed prayer and intercession for ‘glocal’ (both local and global affairs) in these tumultuous times. In addition we hope to share more of our journey over the last few years through blogs, speaking engagements and music.

You can read more about the Midnight Cry from a theological perspective here…